Saturday, January 21, 2012

Robert Papazian Essay Prize

Good news! My paper "Moral Courage and Facing Others" was selected as the winning entry for the Robert Papazian Annual Essay Prize on Themes from Ethics and Political Philosophy. It will appear as the lead article in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21(2), and be freely available, around April 2012. More info about the prize (and Robert Papazian) here.

I've agreed with the IJPS editor to take down, for now, my penultimate draft of the paper. But I suppose anyone dying to read it could email me, or whet his or her appetite on this less formal essay I recently drafted, which covers a few similar ideas: "The Courage of Conviction." (Some earlier discussion of this essay here.)

I should thank here (and you will be thanked in the paper, too) the following people whose online comments and feedback on earlier posts and drafts about courage helped me in various ways: Joshua Kortbein, Duncan Richter, Rob Sica, and Tommi Uschanov. Thanks!